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Our diverse experience and expertise enables us to advise on even the most complex of employment issues.
Workplace disputes and grievances can be extremely stressful and can have an enormous impact upon your day to day life. Whilst certain challenges are to be expected, Employment Law is here to protect you from being treated unfairly.
We can advise individuals on all aspects of their relationship with their Employer as we recognise that individuals do not always know what their employment rights are.
If you think that a current work problem is unfair, or you need help in putting a difficult situation right, then talk to us. We take the time to listen to your individual circumstances and explain your options.
Ensure that you act quickly as if your dispute leads to an Employment Tribunal claim, you must be mindful of the 3-month time frame in which a claim must usually be brought.
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Get in touch with us for more information about how we can help.